Articles | Volume 52
05 Dec 2019
 | 05 Dec 2019

Interaction between seismicity and deformation on different time scales in volcanic areas: Campi Flegrei and Stromboli

Mariarosaria Falanga, Enza De Lauro, Simona Petrosino, and Salvatore De Martino

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Short summary

Cited articles

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Bottiglieri, M., Falanga, M., Tammaro, U., Obrizzo, F., De Martino, P., Godano, C., and Pingue, F.: Independent component analysis as a tool for ground deformation analysis, Geophys. J. Int.l, 168, 1305–1310, 2007. 
Bottiglieri, M., Falanga, M., Tammaro, U., De Martino, P., Obrizzo, F., Godano, C., and Pingue, F.: Characterization of GPS time series at the Neapolitan volcanic area by statistical analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B10416,, 2010. 
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Short summary
We study oscillations recorded at Stromboli and Campi Flegrei by different sensors. Seismicity and deformation are investigated on several time scales in order to identify the basic elements of their interaction, whose understanding should provide new insights on the predictive models. At Stromboli, a departure from the equilibrium state is marked by solid tide variations in a certain frequency band. At Campi Flegrei diurnal to annual solid tides modulate an increase of volcanic activity.