Articles | Volume 50
28 Oct 2019
 | 28 Oct 2019

Earth rotation variations observed by VLBI and the Wettzell “G” ring laser during the CONT17 campaign

Sigrid Böhm, Matthias Schartner, André Gebauer, Thomas Klügel, Ulrich Schreiber, and Torben Schüler

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Comparing atmospheric data and models at station Wettzell during CONT17
Daniel Landskron, Johannes Böhm, Thomas Klügel, and Torben Schüler
Adv. Geosci., 50, 1–7,,, 2019
Short summary

Cited articles

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Beverini, N., Di Virgilio, A., Belfi, J., Ortolan, A., Schreiber, K., Gebauer, A., and Klügel, T.: High-Accuracy Ring Laser Gyroscopes: Earth Rotation Rate and Relativistic Effects, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 723, 012061-7,, 2016. a
Bizouard, C., Lambert, S., Gattano, C., Becker, O., and Richard, J.-Y.: The IERS EOP 14C04 solution for Earth orientation parameters consistent with ITRF 2014, J. Geodesy, 93, 621–633, 2019.  a, b
Böhm, J., Böhm, S., Boisits, J., Girdiuk, A., Gruber, J., Hellerschmied, A., Krásná, H., Landskron, D., Madzak, M., Mayer, D., McCallum, J., McCallum, L., Schartner, M., and Teke, K.: Vienna VLBI and satellite software (VieVs) for geodesy and astrometry, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 130, 044503,, 2018. a
Charlot, P.: The Third Realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame, Presentation given at the IAU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, available at: (last access: May 2019), 2018. a
Short summary
The precise knowledge of the orientation of an Earth fixed coordinate system with respect to space is of great importance for all tasks of positioning and navigation. In this work we investigated the potential of combining measurements of Very Long Baseline Interferometry and a large ring laser gyroscope to derive highly resolved parameters describing this orientation. The ring laser is not yet at the same level of accuracy and therefore does not substantially influence the results.