Articles | Volume 50
07 Aug 2019
 | 07 Aug 2019

Comparing atmospheric data and models at station Wettzell during CONT17

Daniel Landskron, Johannes Böhm, Thomas Klügel, and Torben Schüler

Data sets

Atmospheric measurements from the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell during the CONT-17 VLBI campaign (Nov 2017 - Dec 2017) T. Klügel, A. Böer, T. Schüler, and W. Schwarz

Short summary
In this study we compare meteorological observations from a set of different measuring devices with each other in order to derive information about their quality and mutual consistency. We consider data from terrestrial measuring devices, satellite observations, space observations, weather balloons and weather models provided by weather agencies. The results in general show very good accordance and interchangeability between the various solutions.